Club Rules

Membership Categories & Privileges

Membership Application Process

The character of The Knowlton Golf Club is a reflection of its membership. Prospective members are introduced and sponsored by existing members of the Club and final approval for all new membership applications comes from the Board of Directors.

The Nomination process is managed by the Membership Committee which recommends for membership only those candidates who demonstrate a sincere desire to participate in, maintain and enhance the Club’s community and collegial atmosphere.


The role of a Proposer or Seconder is a very serious one and cannot be taken lightly. It is clearly understood that as members in general, and as Proposers and Seconders in particular, our primary responsibility is to the Club. The process of membership admission starts with Proposers and Seconders. Their roles are critical to not only sustaining the membership population, but also to fellow members who are relying on their judgment to preserve the health and well-being of the Club. Qualifications for Proposers and Seconders are noted as follows:

  • Proposers and Seconders must be members in good standing at the Club for a minimum of one (1) year, and must have known the candidate for at least one (1) year.
  • Proposers and Seconders may include members of the Board of Directors or of the Membership Committee.
  • Proposers and Seconders may not be related to the candidate.
  • A Proposer and Seconder on any nomination may not be spouses of each other (husband/wife team).

Nomination Process

  1. The Proposer shall contact the Director of Golf to advise that he/she has a membership candidate interested in joining the Club. The Director of Golf, if required, will contact the candidate to invite him/her to the Club for a tour and to initiate the membership application process. The Director of Golf will also confirm the candidate’s needs, membership options/fees, the identity of the Proposer/Seconder, and answer any questions. If the candidate wishes to proceed, the Director of Golf will provide an application for membership to be completed in full naming his/her Proposer and Seconder.
  2. The Chair of the Membership Committee will ask the Director of Golf to arrange for the candidate, accompanied by the Proposer or Seconder, to meet with a Board member and a Membership Committee member (Nomination Interview). Following a successful meeting, the Membership Secretary will be authorized by the Chair to continue with the application process including the completion of Nomination Form.
  3. The Membership Committee will receive the completed application documentation and the report from the Nomination Interview and approve/decline of the posting of the candidates’ name in the Clubhouse and by email to the membership for seven (7) days for consideration by the membership.
  4. Failing any appropriate objections within the 7-day posting, the Membership Committee will recommend the approval/decline of the candidate’s nomination for membership to the Board of Directors.
  5. The Proposer will be contacted by the Membership Chair to confirm the nomination approval/decline by the Board and the Proposer will notify the candidate of this decision.
  6. Following said approval/notification, the Director of Golf will contact the new member to confirm membership services requested, personal account and billing arrangements, and to schedule new member orientation.

Junior Members (8-17 years old)

All tee time reservations for juniors will be made at the discretion of the Head Professional.

Junior members are only entitled to invite guests in their age group. All other guests must be accompanied by a full privilege or intermediate member.

Junior members may use the practice areas at all times from Monday to Friday and from 12 p.m. on Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays.

They are NOT permitted to operate power-driven carts WITHOUT A VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE.

Accounts and dues

Annual membership dues must be paid when due, without delay. Resignations and requests for category changes must be forwarded, in writing, to the Management Team and/or Board of Directors. December 1st is the deadline for any resignations and/or membership transfers; otherwise, the fees automatically become due and payable for the ensuing year. A statement of account is sent to members at the beginning of each month and is due upon receipt.

Late payment will result in a 2% charge per month, equivalent to 24% per year. Members whose accounts are in arrears may have their privileges suspended. When joining the Club, all members are therefore agreeing to comply with all Club’s rules and regulations.

All accounts, initiation fees and annual dues may be paid by debit card, check or bank transfer. For all credit card payments, a 3% administration fee will be applied.

Reinstatement to the full privilege category

A full privilege member who wishes to transfer to a social or social with golf membership must pay a $1 000 for each year of absence from the full privilege category in order to rejoin the latter.


Any member who has paid an entrance fee and who wishes to resign from the Knowlton Golf Club will be again charged the entrance fee in effect at such time should he/she wish to rejoin as a full privilege member of the Club, and such, no matter the number of years of absence.

At such time of resignation, the balance of any payment option plan shall remain payable.

Sick leave

A golfing member may be given permission to change category in case of a disease and/or injury and transfer to the sick leave category. This change must prior be approved by the Board of Directors. The member must produce a formal declaration of the nature of the disease and/or injury, and it may be required to provide a medical proof (from the patient’s doctor). The sick leave category allows the member to pay the equivalent of the dues of a social member, and will not have to pay for the $1000 penalty (one year) once going back to the full privilege category. The sick leave category is only valid for one year.

Dress Code


It is the responsibility of all members to inform their guests of the Club’s dress code prior to their arrival and to make sure that the latter is being respected in order to enjoy their time spent at the Club.

General Rules

Alcoholic Beverages

The privilege to serve alcoholic beverages exists by reason of the Club’s license and continuation of this privilege is dependent upon the Club’s observance of the rules applicable to licensees. Included among those is the obligation to refuse service to minors and to persons who appear to be intoxicated. Club staff have been authorized to implement this policy courteously but firmly. Members and guests are not permitted to consume their own alcoholic beverages on the Club premises.


No animals are permitted on any part of the Club premises.

Business Meetings

Business meetings may only be held with the prior approval of the Management Team and according to availabilities.

Cash Transaction

Absolutely no cash transaction is allowed for Club services offered at the clubhouse or the pro shop.


All complaints shall be submitted in writing or verbally to the Management Team and/or Board of Directors. It is prohibited for all Club employees to be reprimanded by members.


All notices and communications will be mailed or e-mailed to members at their last email or mailing address as it appears in the Club records. Any member who changes his/her address shall give notice to the Club office in writing, failing which communications sent to such member at the address shown in the Club records shall be held to have been duly delivered.


No posters, notices or donation request of any kind shall be placed in or about the clubhouse or course except with the prior approval of the Management Team and/or Board of Directors.


The use of all tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, pipes) as well as e-cigarettes is strictly prohibited at the driving range, practice putting green, short game practice facility, in the clubhouse, on all the terraces as well as in the guest rooms located on the second floor of the clubhouse. Smoking outdoors is prohibited within 9 meters of the buildings.

All cannabis consumption is strictly prohibited on any part of the Club premises.

Cellular Phones and Portable Electronic Devices

We would like to remind you that cell phones are permitted on the course only for safety reasons and to communicate with the proshop (primarily to report issues or request carts). Otherwise, it is strictly prohibited to use them on the course for voice or text functions. The same applies to common areas such as the terrace, bar and dining room. Texting will be tolerated in the parking lot and on practice areas only, and we ask that you minimize usage and keep your phone on silent mode at all times. As for voice function, please use your car or one of the Club’s offices on the second floor.

These rules also apply to your guests, for whom you are kindly requested to inform them prior to their visit and to intervene in case of rule violation.


Members are not permitted to give gratuities to any employees of the Club, whether in cash or in kind.

Behavior on Golf Course


Electric cart users must respect course markings by exiting fairways were indicated by signs.

Cart rental rates are available or on the website in the “rates” section.

Junior members are not allowed to use power carts unless they have a valid driver’s license.

Members who wish to use a cart to go to the practice range are welcome to do so for free. 

Furthermore, the golf cart is mandatory for all guests on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays. The pricing for the cart is automatically included in the guest green fee rate.

Red Flag

When reasonably appropriate, some players may be given authorization to use a red flag by authorized person in the pro shop. Those players authorized to use a red flag are given special privileges allowing them closer access to greens. However, it is absolutely forbidden to circulate between the greens and the sand traps. Any abuse of this privilege will result in severe reprimand.

Green Flag

Members playing a match should always be given priority on the golf course.


Members are responsible for posting their scores and up-to-dating their handicap in order to promote a fair game. Scores are entered at the pro shop or online. A member may not participate in the various Club’s tournaments and competitions without having an official handicap. In order to be eligible to participate in the Club’s tournaments and competitions, members must have at least 75% of their rounds registered in the GGGolf system. This service is not available for social members who do not have playing privileges.

Rules of Golf and Etiquette

The game of golf shall be played in accordance with the rules approved and updated by the Royal Canadian Golf Association (R.C.G.A.) and local rules as they appear on the scorecard.

Pace of play policy | 4 hours or less

  1. Players are responsible to keep up to the group in front (when the same # of golfers are following each other) of them at all times;
  2. To be considered on pace, groups must be within 1 shot of the group ahead of them;
  3. When there is no group in front to use as a reference, a playing time of a maximum 2 hours shall be used per 9 holes;
  4. For the first 2 hours of tee times each morning, groups will be expected to play in well under 4 hours;
  5. Groups unable to keep up will be moved to the appropriate position on the course;
  6. At no time will the excuse “there is no one behind us” be accepted for not keeping up to the pace of play.

Play ready golf

The biggest contributors to slow play are players who are not ready to hit when they should. There is no penalty for playing out of turn. If the person who is furthest from the hole is not ready for whatever reason, take the initiative and hit your shot.

Lost balls

Any player who may have lost their ball should not have the whole group look for it. It goes back to ready golf. If after you hit your shot and the player has not yet found his/her ball, go help them, but look quickly.


Have one “Captain” in the foursome who will take charge of ensuring proper pace of play. Perhaps the person who made the booking is the captain. All it takes is one person to recognize that if you haven’t seen anyone in front of you for a while, you may have fallen behind.

Golf cart

If carts are restricted to the cart paths, take a few clubs with you to your ball, especially if it lies on the other side of the fairway.

Score card

Mark your score on the next tee deck. If you are on pace, you should always have to wait a few minutes on the group ahead of you to clear the landing area or green. This is where you should mark down the scores from the last hole.

Professional staff

Please obey the Professional staff. If they ask you to pick up your pace, they are doing their job to ensure everyone, including your group enjoys their game. We welcome suggestions or comments on this important issue.

Course Maintenance

It is essential for all members and their guests to respect the golf etiquette by repairing their divots, ball marks on the greens and rake the sand traps at all times.

Starting Times

Even though starting tee times may be available at the time you wish to play, all members must reserve a starting tee time prior to accessing the course. Therefore, this measure will ensure that an outstanding service on behalf of the pro shop team is offered to all members and their guests, at all times. It is possible to reserve your starting tee times online via our website or by calling the pro shop; 450 243-6633.

Full privilege members may make their tee time reservations up to 7 days prior to the game. Members of all other categories (juniors, intermediates and social with golf) may make their tee time reservations up to 4 days prior to the game.

Should you wish to book a tee time later than the allowed period, you may contact the pro shop at 450 243-6633.

All names of players must be given to the pro shop prior to teeing off. During peak periods, you may be paired with other members. At all times, it is also possible to join an existing group (maximum of 4 players).

It is mandatory to play the holes of the course in their correct sequence unless otherwise authorized by the pro shop (for example during a tournament). It is absolutely forbidden to start at hole # 4 or to cut in at hole # 13.

Dining Facilities

A warm welcome awaits members in the Club dining facilities. In order to help us in giving you an outstanding service, it is highly recommended to reserve your places in advance. It would also be important to respect your commitments; time of reservations and number of people. If you cannot attend or need to make a change, no matter the reason, we ask that you call within a reasonable delay to let us know. This will allow other members who wish to attend to reserve and will be of great help to our teams.

The club room is available for Junior members during the day as a lunch room and lounge.

All members and their guests must follow Club’s dress code, at all times.

Special Parties

Members may arrange to use the clubhouse facilities for special functions if space is available. Contact the administration for more information.

Golf Tournaments and Special Events

The Club has many special events during the year that includes a ladies’ member-guest invitational, a men’s member-guest invitational and a mixed member-guest invitational. These events include dinners or lunches and/or brunches. Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance otherwise the member will be invoiced for the activity.


Playing Guests of Members

All guests must be registered at the pro shop prior to play. A guest must play with a member. A member cannot invite more than three playing guests at any one time. Under exceptional circumstances the Golf Director or, in his absence, the Head Professional, may wave this condition.

There must be a member present in every foursome on the course. The same guest is limited to playing four times a season. No guest may play on the course prior to 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.

Furthermore, the golf cart is mandatory for all guests on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays. The pricing for the cart is automatically included in the guest green fee rate.

Members are responsible for all actions of their guests, including compliance with the dress code regulations and conduct on the golf course and Club premises. If the member is unable to be at the Club to welcome their guest, a member of the Management Team should be informed and the guests are requested to report their presence at the pro shop upon arrival and before using the Club’s facilities.


Members, guests or other persons entering or crossing any public road or Club property shall do so at their own risks. The Club shall in no way be responsible for any damage to personal property of members, their guests or other persons, whether by fire, theft or otherwise occurring on any part of the property of the Club.


Emergency Response Procedures

Knowlton Golf Club has certified some of its key employees to use the Club’s AED (Defibrillator) and perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). In case of emergency dial 450-243-6633 or 450-243-6622. A member of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) will answer and/or coordinate the ERT. Once the situation is assessed, they will call 911 and make necessary arrangement to have someone meets the first responders and/or ambulance and direct them accordingly.

To ensure efficient protocol, the ERT has access to the following equipment: defibrillator, oxygen tank, first aid kit which are centralized in the clubhouse for easy access at all times. First aid kits are also available at the garage, the pro shop and the canteen.

EpiPens are available at the clubhouse and canteen.

For their own protection in case of a thunderstorm, members and their guests MUST proceed immediately to the shelter nearest them. These shelters are located between holes 7 and 10 as well as in between holes 13 and 14 and at the canteen.

As outlined earlier, members and guests are encouraged to carry their cellular phone (in the silent mode) for use on the course in the event of an emergency.


Board of Directors

Members interested in participating in the Board of Directors or any of its committees may submit their names to the Nominating Committee. Board and committee mandates and composition are set out in the Club’s governance by-law.



The Finance Committee, along with the Management team, is responsible for ensuring a proper financial structure and control. It should also present reports and recommendations concerning financial matters to the Board of Directors, as required.


The Membership Committee is responsible for all new applications and transfers to other categories, the processing of same and their presentation to the Board of Directors and the membership in general.

Members of this committee must also elaborate new recruiting strategies.

Match and Handicap

The Match and Handicap Committee establish the conditions under which a competition is to be played at the Club. It must regulate the general use of the course and set local rules where necessary. It is responsible for helping members maintain their handicaps under the requirements established by the Royal Canadian Golf Association (RCGA). The Captain shall chair this Committee and have charge of the course during all Club competitions.


The Greens Committee is responsible for the maintenance of the golf course.

Food and Beverage

The Food and Beverage Committee is responsible for the operation of all food and beverage services.

Permanent Course

The Permanent Course Committee’s role is to provide continuity in the design of the course on an ongoing basis.


The Building Committee is responsible for all the Club’s facilities.


The Ladies’ Committee is responsible for all the ladies’ activities. It is chaired by the Ladies’ Captain.