Board Committees

The finance committee, along with the general manager, is responsible for ensuring a proper financial structure and control. It should also present reports and recommendations concerning financial matters to the Board, as required.

  • Chair: Stéphane Longval

The membership committee is responsible for all new applications and transfers to other categories, the processing of same and their presentation to the board of directors and the membership in general. This committee is also responsible for the integration of new members. Members of this committee must also elaborate new recruiting strategies.

  • Chair: Benoit Hamel
  • Dan Bogan
  • Pascale Bessette
  • Bernard Le Blanc
  • Alexandre Verhoef
  • Jeannie Miller-Vondjidis

The Match and Handicap Committee establishes the conditions under which a competition is to be played at the Club. It must regulate the general use of the course and set local rules where necessary. It is responsible for helping members maintain their handicaps under the requirements established by the RGCA. The Captain shall chair this committee and have charge of the course during all Club competitions.

  • Chair: Bernard Le Blanc
  • Pascale Bessette
  • Dan Bogan

The Greens Committee is responsible for the maintenance of the golf course.

  • Chair: Blaise Cloutier
  • Pierre Wilkie
  • Keith F. Eaman
  • Gérard Taillon
  • Marie-Josée Rouleau
  • Stéphane Longval

The Permanent Course Committee's role is to provide continuity in the design of the course on an ongoing basis.

  • Chair: Keith F. Eaman
  • Charles Prosser
  • Philippe-Alexandre Otis
  • John Ballard
  • Benoit Hamel

The Building Committee is responsible for all Club’s facilities.

  • Chair: Corinne Télio
  • Rachel Taillon
  • Claude Krynski

The Ladies' Captain chairs the committee which is responsible for all the ladies' activities.

  • Chair: Pascale Bessette
  • Claude Krynski
  • Andrée Julien
  • Edith Beaudry
  • Catharie Béchamp
  • Nicole Charbonneau
  • Dyane Bernier
  • Jane Latter-Beaudoin
  • Paula Richardson
  • Jeannie Miller-Vondjidis
  • Rachel Taillon
  • Nancy Gallery

The Food and Beverage Committee is responsible for the operation of all food and beverage services and the social functions.

  • Chair: Jeannie Miller-Vondjidis
  • Dominique-Ann Coffin
  • Vanessa Laframboise